[AISWorld] Call for Submissions of Workshop Position Papers to Bridge AIS SIGHCI and ACM SIGCHI at CHI 2018

Djamasbi, Soussan djamasbi at wpi.edu
Sun Dec 31 01:28:50 EST 2017

Call for Submissions of Position Papers to Bridge AIS SIGHCI and ACM SIGCHI
One Day Workshop at CHI 2018, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Workshop Date: Sunday, April 22, 2018
Deadline for Submissions: Monday, January 29, 2018 by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time

The goal of the workshop is to build a bridge between two communities, AIS SIGHCI and ACM SIGCHI, to create a better understanding of common goals and interests, as well as to share potentially different perspectives and priorities, within and across both communities. By bridging the AIS SIGHCI and ACM SIGCHI communities, the impact of the HCI field and the sustainability of HCI research as a whole could be enhanced.
There is a three-horned problem that all researchers must tackle, which is to optimize the trade-offs between: 1) measuring the phenomena of interest with precision and scientific rigor, 2) realism of the context being studied, and 3) generalizability of findings to a broader context and/or population. The workshop will also strive to address this classic three-horned dilemma faced by all researchers, and more specifically, within the context of HCI research. Through this workshop, we hope to create synergies by fostering new collaborations across the greater community of HCI researchers and practitioners at large.
Hence, we invite submissions of position papers that examine and address issues that can help to bridge both communities. A position paper is a well-rationalized stance on a topic related to the workshop themes justified through theory, literature, or empirical work. Examples of position papers include those that identify similarities and commonalities as well as bridge potential differences in priorities and perspectives of both communities. Position papers may also address the three-horned dilemma from a wide variety of perspectives with the goal of building synergies and potential collaborations across the greater community of HCI researchers and practitioners at large.

Other examples of topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*       Comparisons between AIS SIGHCI and ACM SIGCHI core values based on the experience of people who have already bridged the two fields.

*       Conceptual papers about different types of HCI contributions (e.g., theory building, social impact) made by either or both fields, as well as potential weaknesses that could be mitigated by bridging.

*       Methodological papers from either HCI discipline (e.g., qualitative and quantitative approaches) that speak to the three-horned problem.

*       Forward-thinking proposals for how to build synergies and sustainable collaborations among researchers from both HCI communities.

Interested participants should:

*       Refer to the call for workshop position papers at http://www.bridginghci.org/.

*       Submit a 2-4 page position paper formatted in the SIGCHI extended abstracts format shown at https://chi2018.acm.org/chi-proceedings-format/. It should include the names, contact information, and affiliations of authors.  All submissions must be in English.

*       Email the submission to bridgingHCI at gmail.com<mailto:bridgingHCI at gmail.com> by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Monday, January 29, 2018.
Position papers will be peer-reviewed by the workshop program committee from both communities, and submissions will be accepted based on the relevance of the topic, as well as the potential to contribute to the workshop discussions and goals. Position papers are not considered archival publications and authors retain all rights to their work. However, with authors' permission, position papers will be shared publicly via the workshop's website.

*       January 29, 2018: Position paper CFP deadline

*       January 30, 2018 - February 16, 2018: Submissions reviewed by program committee

*       February 21, 2018: Notifications sent to authors

*       March 5, 2018: Camera-ready versions of position papers due and linked on website
Important: At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference (CHI 2018).
Workshop Organizers (in alphabetical order of last names):

Soussan Djamasbi, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, djamasbi at wpi.edu<mailto:djamasbi at wpi.edu>

Dennis F. Galletta, University of Pittsburgh, galletta at pitt.edu<mailto:galletta at pitt.edu>

Fiona Nah, Missouri University of Science and Technology, nahf at mst.edu<mailto:nahf at mst.edu>

Xinru Page, Bentley University, xpage at bentley.edu<mailto:xpage at bentley.edu>

Lionel P. Robert Jr., University of Michigan, lprobert at umich.edu<mailto:lprobert at umich.edu>

Pamela Wisniewski, University of Central Florida, pamwis at ucf.edu<mailto:pamwis at ucf.edu>

Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh. AIS Fellow, LEO (AIS lifetime achievement award) winner, former President of AIS (2007-2008), and Co-Editor-in-Chief AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction.
Gloria Mark, University of California, Irvine. General Chair of CHI 2017, ACM CHI Academy Member, and Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction.
Michael Muller, IBM Research and Wellesley College. Co-organizer of the CHI Early Career Symposium; Co-chair of ECSCW 2018 exploratory papers, and ACM Distinguished Scientist.
Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Missouri University of Science and Technology. Co-Founder and former Chair of the AIS SIGHCI, and Associate Editor of International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

Program Committee (from both communities in alphabetical order of last names):
Constantinos Coursaris, Michigan State University
Ann Fruhling, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Camille Grange, HEC Montreal
Jens Grossklags, Technical University of Munich
Shion Guha, Marquette University
David Gurzick, Hood College
Traci Hess, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Najmul Islam, University of Turki, Finland
Mohammad Hossein Jarrahi, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Haiyan Jia, Lehigh University
Zhenhui "Jack" Jiang, National University of Singapore
Richard Johnson, University of Albany
Bart Knijnenburg, Clemson University
Alfred Kobsa, University of California, Irvine
Nima Kordzadeh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Cliff Lampe, University of Michigan
Young "Anna" Lee, Michigan State University
Younghwa "Gabe" Lee, Miami University
Eleanor Loiacono, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Bonnie Nardi, University of California, Irvine
Aaron Quigley, University of St. Andrews
Patrick Shih, Indiana University
Heshan Sun, Clemson University
Nathan Twyman, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Wietske Van Osch, Michigan State University
Yvette Wohn, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Dezhi Wu, Southern Utah University
Heng Xu, Pennsylvania State University

Soussan Djamasbi, Ph.D.   |  IS Area Head & Associate Professor
Director, User Experience & Decision Making Research Lab<http://uxdm.wpi.edu/>
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | http://uxdm.wpi.edu/

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