[AISWorld] suggesting an appropriate textbook for introductory IT course (100 level)

Nabeel Al-Qirim Nalqirim at uaeu.ac.ae
Sun Jan 28 08:51:03 EST 2018

Dear Colleagues

We have an introductory IT course (100 level) that attempts to introduce different essential IT topics to our students. I would appreciate suggesting an appropriate textbook that covers the following themes:

1.    Algorithms and Logic: Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Logic
2.    Database: From data to information and knowledge and corresponding transformational IT systems
3.    Networks: Data communication, computer networks, Internet, Web applications, and Cloud evolution
4.    Computing Systems: hardware and software components
5.    Human computer interaction: Automation: IT in streamlining human-to-machine, human-to-human, and machine-to-machine interaction
6.    Simulation and gaming to understand complex systems
7.    Information Security: privacy and information assurance
8.    IT professional responsibility: Ethics and best principles and practices for conduct in business, IT social and political issues including privacy and digital rights

I will share the responses here.

Nabeel Al Qirim
Associate Professor
Electronic Commerce Track - (CIT)

نبيل القرم
أستاذ مشارك
قسم التجارة الالكترونية

P.O.Box: 15551, Al Ain, UAE
Tel: 03-7135531
Email: nalqirim at uaeu.ac.ae
Web: http://www.citweb.uaeu.ac.ae/citweb/profile/nalqirim

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