[AISWorld] Call for Papers: Electronic Commerce Research - Special Issue on Electronic Commerce in Social Networks

Benyoucef, Morad Benyoucef at telfer.uottawa.ca
Fri Sep 7 09:20:10 EDT 2018

CALL FOR PAPERS: Electronic Commerce Research, Springer
Special Issue on Electronic Commerce in Social Networks 

- Morad Benyoucef, PhD, Professor, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, Canada
  Email: benyoucef at telfer.uottawa.ca
- Xiao-Liang Shen, PhD, Professor, Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, China
  Email: xlshen at whu.edu.cn
- Zhao Huang, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, China
  Email: zhaohuang at snnu.edu.cn

Electronic commerce in social networks aka social commerce (s-commerce) leverages the social ties that exist between members of a social network as a vehicle for electronic commerce.  S-commerce includes both exchange-related activities at stages of the consumer's decision-making process and the design and implementation of computer-mediated social environments, where meaningful personal connections and sustained social interactions exist among network members. S-commerce emphasizes social goals, social connection and multi-user interaction.  Successful s-commerce requires a deep understanding of the interplay of the consumer's decision-making process and the associated social interaction enablers.
This special issue seeks high-quality, innovative and novel research that explores s-commerce, with a focus on new s-commerce models, design theories for s-commerce, empirical and theoretic work on relevant business processes and consumer behavior, and how s-commerce integrates and expands the knowledge rooted in diverse disciplines and across different locations. All contributions should clearly address knowledge gaps in the field of s-commerce and will be peer-reviewed.

This special issue is open to research submissions from all theoretical perspectives, using all methodologies, and at all levels of unit of analysis. We call for research across a range of disciplines, including information systems, marketing, and management. Submissions are expected to contribute to the development of new ideas and the advancement of current knowledge in the field of s-commerce. We particularly welcome research that challenges our field's boundaries and addresses emerging concepts/themes of s-commerce. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Systems design that enables s-commerce
- Customer experience in s-commerce
- Drivers of s-commerce engagement
- Decision-making process in s-commerce
- Emerging services in s-commerce
- Business value derived from s-commerce
- Business models and s-commerce strategies
- Informational behavior on s-commerce platforms
- Cross-cultural issues related to s-commerce
- Integration of s-commerce and other innovative technologies
- Dark sides (e.g., privacy and risks, negative/misleading WOM) of s-commerce

All submissions must be original, not published or under review elsewhere. Authors should submit their manuscripts through the Electronic Commerce Research (ECR) online submission system (http://www.springer.com/journal/10660/submission), and specify "Article Type" as "S-commerce Special Issue". Manuscripts should follow ECR's guidelines for manuscript submission instructions, and be no more than 32 double-spaced pages in 12-point font, inclusive of all figures, tables, figures, and appendixes. Any inquiries about the special issue can be sent by email to the coordinating guest editor Morad Benyoucef (benyoucef at telfer.uottawa.ca).

- Submission of Manuscripts: Dec 31, 2018 
- Notification to authors: Feb 28, 2019
- Revised version due: Apr 30, 2019
- Final decision: June 30, 2019
- Final revised Manuscripts: July 31, 2019 
- Publication: fall 2019 (exact date to be determined)

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