[AISWorld] AMCIS Minitrack on Cognitive decision making and collaboration

Yeliz Eseryel yeliz at eseryel.com
Wed Jan 19 13:43:54 EST 2022

Hi Everyone,
I am sending this out on behalf of the minitrack co-chairs. Please direct
any questions related to this specific minitrack to the co-chairs listed on
the bottom of the email.
Kind regards,

2022 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)

Minneapolis, August 10-14, 2022 --

*Mini-Track: Cognitive decision making and collaboration *


Cognition is the interaction of technology, human behavior, and cognitive
processes guided by the constructs of psychology and cognitive
science.  Technology
includes internet applications, artificial intelligence, and virtual
environments. The cognitive aspects involve human behavior and the
cognitive internal sensory and memory processes which lead to decision
making and collaboration.

The purpose of this min-track is to provide a forum for theoretical
developments, empirical research findings, case studies, methodologies,
artifacts, and other high-quality manuscripts. We seek to address important
questions arising from emerging developments in cognitive research, such
as: cognitive aspects of business analytics, collaboration in virtual
environments, AI effects on sensory and memory applications, cognitive
aspects of shared memory and collective intelligence, the interaction of
social perception on performance, communication patterns of cognition, and
leadership cognition.

Specifically, this mini-track focuses on but is not limited to:

   - Cognitive and social factors related to decision making and
   collaboration in teams
   - Cognitive and human behavioral effects of collaboration technologies
   and AI
   - Creativity techniques and tools in collaborative settings
   - The cognitive aspects of the future of work in technological
   - Research on shared memory and collective intelligence
   - New models of collective intelligence
   - Case studies on the cognitive behavior of the future of work
   - Cognitive aspects of leadership issues involved with teams

*Important Dates*

* January 15, 2022: Manuscript submissions open March 1, 2022: Deadline for
submissions (PST) April 15, 2022: Authors will be notified of decisions
April 25, 2022: Camera-ready submissions are due*

Mini-track Co-chairs

Jerry Fjermestad (jerry at njit.edu)

Julie Ancis (julie.r.ancis at njit.edu)
Stephan Kudyba (Stephan.p.kudyba at njit.edu)


Kind Regards,

Dr. U. Yeliz Eseryel

*Most Recent Journal Publications:*

   - Wei, K., Crowston, K., *Eseryel, U.Y. (2021) *Participation in
   community-based free/ libre open source software development tasks: The
   impact of task characteristics. *Internet Research *
   - *Eseryel, U. Y. (2020)* Enabling IT self-leadership in online
   education. *Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning*,
   16, 123-142. https://doi.org/10.28945/4684
   - *Eseryel U.Y., *Crowston K., Heckman R. *(2020)* Functional and
   Visionary Leadership in Self-Managing Virtual Teams. *Group &
   Organization Management*. September 2020. https://doi.org/
   10.1177/1059601120955034 <https://doi.org/10.1177/1059601120955034>
   - Reider, A., *Eseryel, U. Y., *Lehrer, C. &Jung, R. *(2020) *Why Users
   Comply with Wearables: The Role of Contextual Self-Efficacy in Behavioral
   Change *International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction: 1-14. *
   - *Eseryel, U. Y., *Wei, K., Crowston, K. *(2020) *Decision-making
   processes in community-based free/libre open source software development
   teams with internal governance: An extension to decision-making
theory. *Communications
   of the AIS** 46.*https://doi.org/10.17705/1CAIS.04620
   - *Eseryel, U. Y.*, Eseryel, D., Booij, R.H. *(2020)* Social media use
   for online interaction: Lessons learned from fortune 100 companies on job
   applicant attraction. *Journal of Leadership and Management, 17, 1-18. *
   - *Eseryel, U. Y.*, Eseryel, D.  Wolters J., *(2020)* Managing
   Successful Information Systems Implementations at Small and Medium
   Enterprises: Managerial IS Implementation Effectiveness Theory. *Journal
   of Leadership and Management, 16, 1-17 *https://tinyurl.com/yyase9u8

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