[AISWorld] [CFP ICSE '23] 5th Intl. WS Software Engineering Education for the Next Generation co-located with ICSE 2023 in Melbourne, Australia

Bastian Tenbergen bastian.tenbergen at oswego.edu
Tue Nov 29 09:12:07 EST 2022

Software Engineering Education for the Next Generation
Fifth International Workshop co-located with ICSE 2023 in Melbourne,

In the last 30 years, the demands placed on software engineers have
increased dramatically. This is because the systems
they develop increase in complexity, size, and criticality as well. Novel
system types like adaptive systems or
cyber-physical systems and new technologies, like artificial intelligence
and virtual reality change the technology
landscape. Professionals creating such systems hence need to stay on the
cutting edge to face the challenges of the future.
Albeit the software engineering community has created a vast toolbox of
approaches, techniques, paradigms, and frameworks
to meet these challenges, this is only one side of the story: we need to
enable future generations of software engineers to
meet current demands and prepare them for challenges that are unforeseen


There remain open and recurring questions regarding what pedagogical
techniques are appropriate in which educational situation.
In spite of these myriad challenges, software engineering educators often
do manage to design and run engaging, project-based
courses where students develop the skills that are necessary for the
industry. The purpose of this workshop is to learn from
the hard-fought lessons of these project-based courses, reflecting upon
successes and challenges faced in our daily struggle to
prepare the next generation.


The Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering Education for the
Next Generation (SEENG) aims to bring together
scholars, educators, and other stakeholders to discuss the unique needs and
challenges of software engineering education for the
next generation, specifically using engaging and pedagogically beneficial
projects. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:

    Learning technologies and tools that support software engineering
education and training
    Automated evaluation/assessment of software engineering skills
    Teaching soft skills in software engineering
    (Empirical) methods of teaching and evaluating software engineering
    Studies of equity, diversity, and inclusion in SE education and training
    Continuing education of software engineers
    Extra-curricular training of SE students (e.g., through hackathons,
    Foundational research on software engineering education and training


We accept original manuscripts in English, strictly adhering to the IEEE
Proceedings Template

We solicit three kinds of contributions:
    (1) Research Papers (up to 8 pages);
    (2) Experience Reports (up to 8 pages); and
    (3) Position Papers  (up to 4 pages).

Papers may not exceed page lengths including references and author
biographies. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the formatting
instructions will be rejected without review. Please submit your original
manuscripts using the Hot RCP Submission System:


All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least three
reviewers. Upon acceptance, at least one author is required to
register, pay, and attend the workshop for their paper to be published.
Papers will be published in the ICSE workshop proceedings.
The official publication date of the workshop proceedings is the date the
proceedings are made available. The official publication
date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.


The workshop will be held as onsite event. The workshop will use a highly
interactive format, structured around short presentations
to generate discussion topics, an activity to select the most interesting
topics, and structured breakout sessions to allow
participants to address those topics using an online collaboration tool to
identify avenues and collaborations.


   Paper Submission    13 January 2023
   Paper Notification       24 February 2023
   Camera Ready Submission  17 March 2023
   1 day Workshop between   May 14 to 20 2022


Stephan Krusche (krusche at in.tum.de), Technische Universität München, Germany
Bastian Tenbergen (bastian.tenbergen at oswego.edu), State University of New
York at Oswego, USA
Jonathan Bell (jon at jonbell.net), Northeastern University, USA

Website: https://conf.researchr.org/home/icse-2023/seeng-2023
Submission System: https://seeng23.hotcrp.com/

*Bastian Tenbergen*, PhD
Associate Professor of Software Engineering

Office Hours: https://bit.ly/tenbergen-office-hours-signup

Department of Computer Science
427 Shineman Center
*State University of New York at Oswego*
7060 State Route 104
Oswego, NY, 13126, USA
T +1 (315) 312-6605
E bastian.tenbergen at oswego.edu

find me on
Twitter <https://twitter.com/BTenbergen> | ResearchGate
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bastian_Tenbergen> | LinkedIn

I do my best to answer your emails quickly during normal business hours
(M-F, 8am-5pm EST), but perhaps not outside of that time. I encourage you
to do the same.

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