[AISWorld] CFP Minitrack -IT Adoption & Diffusion Models in Design Science Research- AMCIS 2023

Motiwalla, Luvai Luvai_Motiwalla at uml.edu
Tue Dec 6 18:21:36 EST 2022

AMCIS-23-MINITRACK - Call for Papers

TRACK: Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (SIG ADIT)

MINITRACK:  IT Adoption & Diffusion Models in Design Science Research (DSR)

We invite submissions that investigate the role of IT adoption and diffusion models in Design Science Research (DSR) that has not been adequately discussed. The DSR methodology is increasingly used for studying the development of digital innovations and the implementation of IT solutions.  Application of IT adoption and diffusion models like IS Success Model, TAM, UTAUT, and others are not commonly utilized in DSR despite their potential to discover design errors, algorithmic biases, user resistance & confusion. IT adoption methodologies could be used in the critical evaluation step to enhance the quality of system artifacts by providing valuable quantitative feedback from users to the designers about adoption. This mini-track welcomes research using IT adoption and diffusion models (at any level of analysis, such as experimentation, survey, and case study, etc.) in DSR during the evaluation process and research that investigates the value-add of IT adoption and diffusion models to the DSR approach.


All submissions must be made via the AMCIS 2023 PCS submission system (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fnew.precisionconference.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7Cluvai_motiwalla%40uml.edu%7C65d18419f96e4a0e556e08dad3beb9fc%7C4c25b8a617f746f983f054734ab81fb1%7C0%7C0%7C638055114977536319%7CUnknown7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ax98nPnhlSp9dOPWwsdcZKjJzRZcFLmq2GgQfZ1YOl8%3D&reserved=0).

After creating an account and logging on to the PCS site, authors should go to the "Author Center" to make their submission.


*   January 21, 2022:  Manuscript submissions open

*   March 1, 2022:  Completed research and ERFs submissions due at 10 am EST

*   April 25, 2022:  Revised, camera-ready papers (Full and ERF) are due

*   August 10-12: AMCIS-23 Conference in Panama City, Panama.


-  Luvai Motiwalla, U Mass Lowell, luvai_motiwalla at uml.edu

-  Yuzhu Li, U Mass Darthmouth, yuzhu.li at umassd.edu

-  Bengisu Tulu, WPI, bengisu at wpi.edu

-  Ganesan Shankar, Babson College, gshankar at babson.edu

Please contact any of the mini-track chairs above, with any questions.

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