Tamburri, Damian d.a.tamburri at tue.nl
Tue Sep 5 10:30:43 EDT 2023

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Conference web site: https://icsoc2023.diag.uniroma1.it/call-for-demos-and-resources/

The goal of the ICSOC Demos and Resources track is to provide opportunities for participants from both academia and industry to present their latest development in Service Oriented Computing. The following proposals are particularly welcome:
- Novel Service Applications and Implementations, including:
	- Data Science
	- Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled Services and Process Automation
	- Crowdsourcing and Social Services
	- Internet of Things (IoT) Services
	- Cloud and Edge Services
	- Quantum Services
	- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Service-oriented Architecture Showcases
- Design-support tools (platforms, Open APIs, low-code solutions)
- Integration platform for SOA, SaaS, and APIs
- Best practices for microservices and API Engineering
- Resources originating either from academic initiatives or industrial experiences, including: 
	- Datasets
	- Taxonomies
	- Labelled and annotated logs and corpora
	- Quantitative/qualitative benchmarks


Demonstration submission due - September 29th, 2023
Notification to authors - October 21st, 2023
Author registration - October 28th, 2023
Camera-ready - October 29th, 2023
Conference dates - November 28th - December 1st, 2023


Submissions accepted for the Demos and Resources track will be notified to the authors and advertised on the ICSOC 2023 website. Accepted submissions will be included in the post-conference proceedings. Each submission must consist of a paper (maximum length 5 pages) where the authors should highlight the significance of the tool or the resource for the ICSOC Community, the innovation of the tool or the resource, its main characteristics or features and the necessary bibliographical references. 

Moreover, the paper should contain the following elements:

- for tools demonstrations: a description aimed at demonstrating the maturity of the tool, the technologies used, the use cases on which the tool could be applied, the tool features such as scalability and usability; the paper should contain a URL linking to a demonstration video of no more than 5 minutes in duration (QuickTime or YouTube format) showing and explaining the execution of the system; finally, the paper should provide the organizers with a list of requirements for the demo setting at the conference;

- for resources expositions: a description of the data model and schema of the resource, to help the reader understand how to interpret the information from the exposed resource; descriptive statistics of the resource; instructions on how to download and use the resource, with focus on specific use cases; a link to a publicly accessible and persistently available repository (e.g., GitHub, BitBucket, etc.) to download and cite the resource, including all necessary license specifications.

Please note that papers should be formatted according to the Springer’s LNCS Formatting Guidelines. Submissions must be in English. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF to the Demo Submission System in https://www.conftool.com/icsoc2023/.

For each accepted paper, at least one author must attend the conference and present the paper.


ICSOC implements a double-blind reviewing process. Author names and affiliations should not appear in the paper. The authors should make a reasonable effort not to reveal their identities of institutional affiliations in the text, figures, photos, links, or other data that is contained in the paper. Authors’ prior work should be preferably referred to in the third person; if this is not feasible, the references should be blinded. Submissions that violate these requirements will be rejected without review. The list of authors cannot be changed after the acceptance decision is made unless approved by the Program Chairs.


The submission and selection process for the ICSOC 2023 Demos and Resources will be separate from that of the main conference. Each submission will be assessed by the Demos Program Committee. The authors will receive a brief evaluation report with the notification. The evaluation criteria are:
- Relevance to the ICSOC conference
- Significance and originality
- Content and presentation
- Maturity and readiness of the demonstration
- Availability of material and clarity of instructions
- Potential impact in the intended application domain
- Potential interest to a broader audience


The “Best Demonstration” Awards will be given to the demos that the Demonstration Program Committee judges to be the best in quality, execution, and impact among all the accepted demos in the conference.

Demonstration Chairs
- Devis Bianchini, Univ. of Brescia
- Damian A. Tamburri, TU/e - JADS, Politecnico di Milano
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