[AISWorld] Call for Papers for ECIS 2024 Track No 24: “Social Media, Virtual Worlds, and Digital Work”

Hacker Janine Janine.Hacker at uni.li
Fri Oct 13 17:22:26 EDT 2023

(Apologies for possible cross-postings of this announcement)


32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024)
Track: Social Media, Virtual Worlds, and Digital Work
June 13-19, 2024, Paphos, Cyprus (https://ecis2024.eu/track-descriptions/)
Paper submission deadline: 17th November 2023
Dear Colleagues,
We cordially invite you to submit research contributions related to “Social Media, Virtual Worlds, and Digital Work” to the ECIS 2024 Track 24. Please find more information regarding the track and the timeline below.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the track and forward the call for papers to potentially interested colleagues.
We are looking forward to receiving your contributions and meeting you in Timisoara!
Best regards,
Alexander Richter, Janine Hacker, Matthias Trier
*Track Description*
Social media have become an integral aspect of the lives of billions of people worldwide. These platforms drive changes in how we build relationships, communicate, collaborate, and exchange goods, services, and information. Aligning with the ECIS conference theme, “People First: Constructing Digital Futures Together,” social media platforms are designed around and for their users.
The pervasive use of social media necessitates a deeper comprehension of its role and long-term effects on digital transformation at individual, organizational, and societal levels. The contributions of digital media are further noticeable in research on virtual worlds, which offer a unique platform for immersive and interactive experiences. Such research can provide insights into the implications of digital transformation on individual, organizational, and societal levels, and can help identify opportunities and challenges for leveraging these technologies. By exploring these topics, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of the social and organizational impacts of digital technologies and develop strategies for leveraging their potential to drive innovation and growth.
This track invites studies that advance our understanding of social media and collaboration tools in transforming work and contributing to future forms of digital work. Regarding submissions related to virtual worlds, we are interested in studies that examine how individuals, groups, or organizations navigate and engage with AR/VR virtual environments or derive value from the metaverse. Studies that take a market or commerce perspective on the metaverse are not in the focus of this track.
We especially encourage research that reaches out beyond IS theories, is grounded in multiple reference disciplines and applies intriguing new perspectives to document and understand the transformational impact of social media and virtual worlds.

Topics include but are not limited to:
* Theories on social media and about digital collaboration
* Digital work in and with social media and virtual worlds (e.g. the Metaverse)
* Digital leadership and virtual teams
* Social channels of enterprise knowledge sharing and collaborative work
* Co-existence and interweaving of different online and offline (social) communication networks in companies
* Blurring boundaries of private and business (e.g. Consumerization, Shadow IT)
* Social aspects of novel forms of digital work e.g. hybrid work or work with AI team mates
* Organizational networking with social media and collaboration technologies and related dynamic effects
* User behaviour on social media, collaboration platforms (e.g. co-creation), and in virtual worlds
* Success and “health” of online social communities
* Socialness of and in social media and collaboration platforms
* Development and use of social media analytics
* Digital methods for understanding social media collaboration (e.g. design science approaches, the computational turn; big data methods)
* Critical perspectives on social media (e.g. social and information overload; technostress).
* Societal impact of social media and digital collaboration


* Paper submission deadline: November 17th, 2023
* Notification of provisional acceptance: February 28th, 2024
* Submission of final version: March 31st, 2024
* ECIS conference: 13th-19th, 2023

Alexander Richter, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, alex.richter at vuw.ac.nz<mailto:alex.richter at vuw.ac.nz>
Janine Hacker, University of Liechtenstein, janine.hacker at uni.li<mailto:janine.hacker at uni.li>
Matthias Trier, Paderborn University, Germany, trier at upb.de<mailto:trier at upb.de>

More information can be found here: https://ecis2024.eu/call-for-papers/

Dr. Janine Hacker

Assistant Professor
Department Information Systems & Computer Science
Liechtenstein Business School

University of Liechtenstein
Institute of Information Systems
Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Phone +423 265 11 11, Direct +423 265 13 13
janine.hacker at uni.li<mailto:janine.hacker at uni.li>, www.uni.li<http://www.uni.li/>

Ongoing projects and key publications:
* ERASMUS+ project «Online Choirs»: https://choirathome.com/
* Hacker, J., Miscione, G., Felder, T., & Schwabe, G. (2023). Commit or Not? How Blockchain Consortia form and Develop. California Management Review. https://doi.org/10.1177/00081256231175530
* Hacker, J., vom Brocke, J., Handali, J. P., Otto, M., & Schneider, J. (2020). Virtually in this together – how web-conferencing systems enabled a new virtual togetherness during the COVID-19 crisis. European Journal of Information Systems. https://doi.org/10.1080/0960085X.2020.1814680
* Hacker, J., & Riemer, K. (2021). Identification of User Roles in Enterprise Social Networks – Method Development and Application. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63, 367–387. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-020-00648-x
* Hacker, J. V., Johnson, M., Saunders, C., & Thayer, A. L. (2019). Trust in Virtual Teams: A Multidisciplinary Review and Integration. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 23. https://doi.org/10.3127/ajis.v23i0.1757

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