Cody Paris C.Paris at mdx.ac
Sun Feb 13 05:30:37 EST 2011

Dear Colleagues,

My apologies for Cross Posting. Please feel free to forward.

2nd CALL FOR PAPERS for the Information and Knowledge Management Track (Including Information and Communication Technology) of the

First International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science

November 22-24, 2011


Organized by Middlesex University Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Below you'll find further information about the Information and Knowledge Management Track and the post-conference publication options.

Additionally, please view the attached flyer, which includes information about the conference location and venue, the upcoming submission dates, registration fees, and Key Note Speakers.

Also, please forward this CFP to any of your colleagues interested in any of the other five conference tracks.

For further queries concerning the Information and Knowledge Management track please contact Dr. Cody Morris Paris (c.paris at mdx.ac<https://mudmail.mdx.ac/owa/redir.aspx?C=860ba23b22b24f3c8e411d6ec444f2e2&URL=mailto%3ac.paris%40mdx.ac>) or Ms. Engie Bashir (E.Bashir at mdx.ac<mailto:E.Bashir at mdx.ac>).

 Information and Knowledge Management (Including Information and Communication Technology)

The information and knowledge management track of this conference aims to examine emerging paradigms and innovative practices in information and knowledge management, particularly those related to the adoption, use and implications of information and communication technology.   We are seeking papers that engage theoretically with the subject area and/or signify pioneering applications and developments. The objective is to present work that is transformative and which embraces serious intellectual discussion. Scholarly endeavour that unearths nascent areas of academic study, or progressively questions existing paradigms and epistemological applications will be most welcome. This track will thus attempt to encourage a multi-disciplinary academic forum for the cross-pollination of ideas between the applied and social scientific perspectives.  The overall aim of this track is to present a new agenda for future research and theoretical exposition.

Chairs: Ms. Engie Bashir and Dr. Lejla Vrazalic

Coordinator: Dr Cody Morris Paris
Although we are open to any submission that is aligned with the goals of the conference and this track, we do encourage submissions relating to the following themes:

 *   Ethical, legal and social issues in the digital age

*         ICT and Sustainability

*         ICT adoption, use, and value creation

 *   Social shaping of information technology
 *   Virtual reality and 'second life' in business
 *   Educational technologies, and mobile and ubiquitous learning
 *   Network management and innovation
 *   Data-base management and data mining
 *   Mobile applications and services
 *   New developments in e-business, e-learning, e-government
 *   Business information systems
 *   Decision support systems, expert systems and artificial intelligence
 *   Security technologies, cyber security, digital forensics and biometrics
 *   Information and knowledge management strategies
 *   Enterprise systems and integration strategies
 *   New developments in software and web engineering

*         Web 2.0, Web 3.0, social media, and social computing

Post Conference Publication Opportunities:

All papers will be published in the conference proceedings (at least one author needs to register and attend conference).  The best papers will be considered for publication either in an edited book or in a special issue of an academic journal (subject to peer review):

Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the conference, abstract submission, registration, etc.

Kind Regards,

Cody Morris Paris, PhD
Senior Lecturer
Social Science Programme- International and Development Studies
International Tourism Programme
Middlesex University Dubai
Tel: +971 04 433 1776
c.paris at mdx.ac

First International Conference on
Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences

22-24 November 2011
Venue: Hotel Pullman Dubai Mall of the Emirates

More Information http://www.mdx.ac/conference/tourism.html

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