[AISWorld] CfP AHLiST 2011 Houston, Texas May 20-22, 2011

Hyo-Joo Han hhan at georgiasouthern.edu
Sun Feb 13 14:37:28 EST 2011

** Please send to interested colleagues and students who are in other
disciplines such as IS/IT/ MIS, Marketing ,History, Literature, Sociology,

*The 2011 Interdisciplinary Conference of AHLiST (Association of History,
Literature, Science
and Technology)*

Conference Date:* May, 20-22 2011*

Location: *University of Houston, Texas, USA*
Submission Deadline:* **March 20th, 2010*
Submission Types: Abstracts, work-in-progress, full papers, panels


Dear Colleague:

I would like to invite you to submit a paper for *the 2011 Interdisciplinary
Conference of AHLiST (Association of History, Literature, Science and
Technology).* This exciting conference will be coordinated by researchers  from
different disciplines from the United States ( University of Houston,
Georgia Southern University, and Purdue University, and Spain (Universidad
Complutense de Madrid (National University of Madrid),  SLU-Madrid, and, U.

The 2011 conference theme is *Technology and Future*. How has technology
shaped contemporary notions of future?  How will current concepts of future
influence technological developments? Technology has been a driving force of
modern and contemporary cultural, socio-economic, and industrial
development. At the same time, the future has been imagined and predicted by
technology or vice versa. Future has not merely been a temporal space but an
ideal point which technology attempts to project. From technological
utopianism to current anticipations of environmental catastrophe, technology
has been the emblematic potential of future. This year’s conference aims to
consider distinct ways of thinking about the future, while questioning what
it is—other than the preoccupations of the present—that is invoked when we
talk about the future. We invite panels and individual papers on these or
related topics, but will give full consideration to any proposal within
AHLiST’s scope.

*TRACKS, TRACK CHAIRS and SUGGESTED TOPICS:<http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=41>


*IS/IT/MIS related Tracks *

·         *Business Intelligence* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=202>:
Adrian Gardiner, agardine at georgiasouthern.edu, Georgia Southern University

·         *E-Commerce, E-Community, E-Learning using IT**
* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=391>Hyo-Joo Han, hhan at georgiasouthern.edu,
Georgia Southern University;

Yuanqiong (Kathy) Wang, Towson University,  ywang at towson.edu

·         *Enterprise IT Management Issues and
Karen P. Patten, pattenk at mailbox.sc.edu, University of South Carolina,

·         *Project Management* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=88>*:*
Manoucher Tabatabai, mtabatab at georgiasouthern.edu, Georgia Southern

*Other Topics:*

·         *Art and Technology and Future*<http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=93>
Beatriz  Arnillas, larnillas at uh.edu, University of Houston

·         *Communication Technology and the Future of Public Relations:**
* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=513>Jeong-Nam Kim, jnkim at purdue.edu,
Purdue University

·         *Design Thinking* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=82>:
Scott Shim, shim.14 at osu.edu, Ohio State University

·         *Future Impact of Technology on Healthcare and

Driss Benhaddou dbenhadd at central.uh.edu
Mequanint Moges, , mmoges at uh.edu, University of Houston

·         *Future Trends in Branding
Seiji Endo, sendo at bus.olemiss.edu, University of Mississippi
Akinori Ono, akinori at fbc.keio.ac.jp, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

·         *Logistics and Global Supply Chain
Jay Cho jkcho at georgiasouthern.edu <%20jkcho at georgiasouthern.edu>, Georgia
Southern University

·         *Multidisciplinary* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=62>*:*
Francisco García-Serrano, Saint Louis University, Madrid;
Yonsoo Kim, Purdue University;
Constantino Malagón Luque, Universidad Nebrija,
Song No, Purdue University, ahlist1 at gmail.com,

·         *Optimization of Retail Operations*<http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=76>
Frances Gunn, fgunn at ryerson.ca, Ryerson University

·         *Sales and Selling Management* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=97>
Brian Rutherford,brutherf at purdue.edu, Purdue University

·         *Service Operations in the Information
David Xin Ding, xding at central.uh.edu, University of Houston

·         *Social Media Technologies for Future
Eklou Amendah, e.amendah at snhu.edu, Southern New Hampshire University

·         *Technologies and Consumer
Seungshin Lee, lchung at konkuk.ac.kr, Konkuk University

·         *Technologies in Future Studies*<http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=241>
Peter Bishop, pbishop at uh.edu;
Andrew Hines ahines at uh.edu, University of Houston

·         *Technology Application in Human Resources
Holly Hutchins, hmhutchi at central.uh.edu;
Consuelo Waight, CLwaight at central.uh.edu, University of Houston

·         *Technology in Selling and Sales
Brian Rutherford, brutherf at purdue.edu, Purdue University

·         *Technology Marketing* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=73>:
JungKook Lee, leejk at iupuc.edu, Indiana University and Purdue University

·         *The Future of Hospitality and Tourism Information
Kijoon Back, kback at central.uh.edu<kback at central.uh.edu?subject=HRMWeb%20:%20Sent%20from%20Directory>,
University of Houston;
Cristian Morosan, cmorosan at stthom.edu, University of St. Thomas, Houston

·         *Trends and Challenges for Authors, Publishers, and Advertisers in
the new e-Content Order* <http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=69>:
Justo Hidalgo, jhidalgo at nebrija.es;
Constantino Malagón Luque cmalagon at nebrija.es, Nebrija University, Spain

*Journal Publications*

Selected full papers and extended papers will be published in the following

*1.* The Journal of History, Literature, Science and Technology: JHLiST

(The official journal of AHLiST)  -

*2.* International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA) –
Special Issue


*3.* International Journal of Emerging Technology in Learning : iJET


*4.* International Journal of  Interactive Mobile Technology : iJIM


Please email at hhan at georgiasouthern.edu for any questions.

The details and submission instructions can be found in the Submission
Guidelines. http://www.ahlist.org/?page_id=43

With warm regards,

Hyo-Joo Han
Program chair, AHLiST 2011

Hyo-Joo Han, MBA, MSIS. PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Information Systems
P.O. Box 7998
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460
hhan at georgiasouthern.edu
Program Chair for http://www.ahlist.org
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