[AISWorld] Demo Competition: IEEE TSCloud 2011 - Trust and Security in Cloud Computing

Ko, Ryan ryan.ko at hp.com
Tue May 17 12:36:01 EDT 2011

+++++ Demo Competition ++++ Demo Competition ++++ Demo Competition +++++

1st IEEE International Workshop on Trust and Security in Cloud Computing
                          ( IEEE TSCloud 2011 )

                           in conjunction with

                  10th IEEE International Conference on
       Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications
                          ( IEEE TrustCom '11 )

                 Changsha, China -- November 16-18, 2011


+++++ Demo Competition ++++ Demo Competition ++++ Demo Competition +++++

The TSCloud workshop tries to bring together researchers with an interest in theoretical foundations and practical approaches to trust and security in cloud computing. The emphasis is on high-impact, novel/adopted theories and paradigms that address mathematical and logical underpinnings in trust and security in cloud computing, e.g. encryption, obfuscation, virtualisation security, governance, accountability, etc.

Topics of interest for both main and demo tracks include, but are not limited to:

    * Malware detection in cloud computing
    * Cryptography and encryption techniques for cloud computing
    * Data obfuscation for cloud computing
    * Accountability in cloud computing
    * Security in virtualised environments
    * Governance, regulation and compliance in cloud computing
    * Data analytics for security in cloud computing
    * Visualization for security in cloud computing
    * Cloud computing threat detection techniques
    * Trust in cloud services
    * Trust reputation systems for cloud computing
    * Reports on critical, real-life security and trust use cases in cloud computing
    * Secure and trusted workflows in cloud computing
    * Position papers on issues in security and trust in cloud computing

Nature of Challenge

It is an open problem demo competition, and teams can choose any context to demonstrate elegant, practical solutions which will directly address cloud computing's security and trust.

A TSCloud Demo Challenge team is made up of at most 5 members, and each team must submit 2 items: (1) a technical paper submitted to EasyChair, and (2) an online demonstration hosted on the participant's own website. All submissions will be subject to academic peer review.


All accepted papers in this workshop will be published by IEEE Computer Society in the IEEE TrustCom 2011 conference/workshop proceedings (indexed by EI Compendex and ISTP). Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be invited for possible publication in special issues of prestige international journals indexed by SCI and EI (pending).

On-site Evaluation for Finalists

There will be 2 rounds of evaluation. In the first round, the technical papers and the online demos will be evaluated by the Technical Committee members, and from which, three finalists will be selected for the final round of the Challenge. In the second round, the three finalist teams will be required to do a presentation and a session of on-site demonstration. Selected finalist teams must register and attend the conference and workshop. The on-site evaluation committee is composed of the Technical Committee members and professional attendants of IEEE TrustCom 2011. In the presentation session, each team has 20 minutes for presentation and questions. In the demonstration session, the teams will demo their systems to the evaluation committee, as well as TrustCom conference attendees.

Evaluation Criteria

Challenge submissions will be judged based on the following weightage:

    * Technical Paper (50%): the novelty and impact of the application, the technical depth and presentation of the paper.
    * Online Demo System (50%): accessibility via Internet, elegance of design, practicality and technical depth.

Submission Instructions

All teams must submit both technical paper and details of login to the online demo system.

   1. Technical Paper

      All submissions should be written in English, with a maximum length of 4 pages in the IEEE Proceedings Format. All submissions must be submitted into EasyChair system:

      a) Login at the following URL: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tscloud2011
      b) Choose the 'TSCloud 2011 Demo Challenge -- Technical Paper Submission' option.

   2. Online Demo System

      Each team should build an online demo system. Teams can choose their preferred platforms for the contest. The demo must address key issues and novelty highlighted in the technical paper.  The system should be accessible using a common Web browser and be made available until the actual conference dates.

Contest Awards

The winning team as judged by the Technical Committee will receive a framed certificate. The technical papers of the three short-listed finalist teams will be included into the proceedings of TSCloud 2011.

Important Dates

Paper Submission: July 8, 2011

Notification: August 30, 2011

Camera-Ready Papers: September 30, 2011

Workshop (tentative): November 16, 2011

Program Co-Chairs

Ryan K L Ko, HP Labs, Singapore
Markus Kirchberg, HP Labs, Singapore

Technical Committee



Please email all enquiries concerning IEEE TSCloud 2011 to the workshop organisers at TSCloud2011 at gmail.com

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