[AISWorld] Call for SIG proposals for CHI'12, deadline on January 9th, 2012

Daphne Raban draban at univ.haifa.ac.il
Thu Oct 6 16:58:09 EDT 2011

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Now that the CHI 2012 papers&notes submission deadline has passed, we invite you to consider submitting a proposal for a Special Interest Group (SIG).

Organizing a SIG is a great way to start or extend your involvement in the CHI conference program — several SIGs have evolved into other successful contribution types at subsequent conferences. In addition to interesting and innovative SIG topics, we also encourage interesting and innovative approaches to organizing and conducting the SIG itself. Feel free to contact us (sigs at chi2012.acm.org<mailto:sigs at chi2012.acm.org>) before submitting a proposal to discuss your ideas and questions. The deadline for submissions through the PCS system is January 9th.

For more information please visit: http://chi2012.acm.org/cfp-sig-meetings.shtml

We look forward to receiving novel submissions,

Daphne Raban, University of Haifa
Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Tampere University of Technology

Contact us: sigs at chi2012.acm.org<mailto:sigs at chi2012.acm.org>

Daphne Raban, Ph.D.
Head, Dept. of Information & Knowledge Management
Graduate School of Management
University of Haifa
draban at univ.haifa.ac.il

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