[AISWorld] The Lates Issue of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI)

Suphan NASIR suphannasir at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 21 16:25:31 EDT 2013

contents of the latest issue of:

International Journal of
E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI)

Publication of the Information Resources Management Association

4, Issue 2, April – June 2013 

Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically

ISSN: 1947-8585
EISSN: 1947-8593

Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA



Suphan Nasir, Istanbul University, Turkey





Why Business Intelligence?:
Significance of Business Intelligence Tools and Integrating BI Governance with
Corporate Governance


Ritesh Chugh (School of Engineering
and Technology, Central Queensland University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) and
Srimannarayana Grandhi (School of Engineering and Technology, Central
Queensland University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia)


Business Intelligence (BI) is one of the fastest
growing software sector and software vendors are rapidly developing multiple BI
tools to support the growing data analysis needs of organisations. In order to
be sustainable in a briskly changing turbulent environment, organisations need
to have access to information about their operational performance. BI tools
play a vital role in supporting the decision makers at different organisational
levels. As these tools are becoming critical in decision making, it has become
not only an information technology concern but also a management concern.
Without proper governance it would be impractical to achieve the value that BI
tools offer. Adopting a BI governance framework in organisations will lead to
common principles and clear ownership over information. Additionally,
appropriate alignment between corporate governance and BI governance can yield
more benefits. This paper provides an insight into the importance and value of
BI tools. Key functionalities of BI tools have also been highlighted. Different
challenges in gaining true value from BI tools have been examined. Four phases
of developing a BI governance framework have been illustrated. The alignment
between BI governance and corporate governance has also been explored with a
recommended model. Exploratory analysis of two organisations (Premier
Healthcare Alliance & BellSouth Telecommunications) to identify how they
have utilised BI tools and adopted BI governance has been briefly carried out.
The paper posits that if the steps for developing a BI framework are adopted by
organisations and the BI framework is aligned with the corporate framework, BI
deployment and usage will be successful with reduced risk levels.



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Content Approval Systems with
Expansions of a New Pair-Connected-Structured Aggregate Signature Scheme


Masaki Inamura (Department of
Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of
Science, Tokyo, Japan) and Keiichi Iwamura (Department of Electrical
Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science,
Tokyo, Japan)


In this study, the authors propose new aggregate
signature schemes with pairing-based cryptography that can describe the
pair-connected structure of signers and examples of new content approval
systems with these schemes. Existing structured signature schemes are based on
multisignature schemes, which are adapted for verification of a structure if
all signers sign the same document. However, if each signer wants to sign a
document different from those of other signers, another scheme that is based on
an aggregate signature scheme is required. To resolve the above problem, a
denoted connective signature is generated in this scheme and can be adapted for
verification of variant structures with its expansion. In addition, the authors
show examples of effective content approval systems, which can be realize with
verifying not only who signs but also which division each of signers belongs



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Choosing Clouds for an Enterprise:
Modeling and Evaluation


Ruay-Shiung Chang (Department of
Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Dong Hwa University,
Shoufeng, Taiwan), Chih-Shan Liao (Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering, National Dong Hwa University, Shoufeng, Taiwan) and Chuan-Yu
Liu (Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Dong
Hwa University, Shoufeng, Taiwan)


The development of
cloud computing has advanced rapidly over the past few years. Benefiting from
the dynamic characteristics of cloud computing, enterprises can purchase cloud
services based on different aspects in order to save operating expenses. Many
companies have seen the opportunities and changes in either cloud service
providers or cloud service consumers. For the latter, with so many cloud
providers to choose from, there is a need for an evaluation of standards to
help find the most suitable service provider. In this paper, the essential
factors of enterprise clouds are discussed. An evaluation model is defined, and
a web-based enterprise cloud selection application is implemented.



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Infographics: An Approach of
Innovative Communication Tool for E-Entrepreneurship Marketing


V. Siricharoen (Computer Science Department, School of Science and Technology,
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand)


Infographics were used
to support the work of journalism back in 1980s. It may be used to accommodate
newsletters, newspapers, magazines, and reports. Now the infographics have been
applied for telling the story. Additionally, the changing lifestyle in digital
age, data and information need to be quicker and easier processed. People scan
for the headlines and graphics (usually in pictures, graphs, charts) that draw
their interest. They spend less time to consider whether it is worth further
reading. Interactive, Multimedia and Video infographics can be created in 3D to
make it more appreciative than regular illustrative pictures and text,
especially for the difficult and complicated contents. For the people who need
to communicate quickly; the spoken or printed account is sometimes too difficult
for understanding. With infographics can escalate the growth of
e-entrepreneurship, they will be very useful as the well-organized,
easy-to-understand, eye-catchy, and shareability marketing tools. The
suggestive guidelines of infographics creation are also addressed. This paper
also includes the history, importance, and benefit of infographics in general
and introduces the tools for making infographics professionally.



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full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship
and Innovation (IJEEI) in
your institution's library. This journal is also included in the IGI Global
aggregated "InfoSci-Journals"
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The mission of the International
Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (IJEEI) is to provide an
international forum for researchers and practitioners to advance the knowledge
and practice of all facets of electronic entrepreneurship and innovation.
Emerging e-entrepreneurship and innovation theories, technologies,
applications, and challenges are emphasized to stimulate and disseminate
cutting-edge information into research and business communities in a timely
fashion. This journal develops a comprehensive framework of e-entrepreneurship
and innovation by taking a multidisciplinary approach to understanding
e-entrepreneurship and innovation and its implications on entrepreneurship,
businesses, and economies.


Coverage of IJEEI:


Barriers and challenges of e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Case studies on e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Critical success factors for e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Development of e-entrepreneurship and innovation

E-entrepreneurship education and training

Economic and social impacts of e-entrepreneurship and innovation

E-entrepreneurship and business plan

E-entrepreneurship and employment

E-entrepreneurship and e-society

E-entrepreneurship and innovation in developing and developed

E-entrepreneurship and innovation in small, medium, and large-sized

Ethical and legal issues in e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Interaction between e-entrepreneurship and e-innovation

Models for e-entrepreneurship and innovation

New horizons in e-banking and e-government through e-entrepreneurship
and innovation

Role of internet and other ICTs in e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Role of religion and national culture in e-entrepreneurship and

Strategies of e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Theories of e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Trust in e-entrepreneurship and innovation

Women and youth e-entrepreneurship and innovation 


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authors should note that only original and previously unpublished articles will
MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at http://www.igi-global.com/journals/guidelines-for-submission.aspx PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. All
article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial
Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision
regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received
from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically.


inquiries regarding IJEEI should be directed to the attention of:

Süphan Nasır 


International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation 

E-mail: suphannasir at hotmail.com 

All manuscript submissions to IJEEI should be sent through the online
submission system:

Suphan NASIR, Ph.D

Assoc. Prof. of Marketing
Istanbul University Faculty of Economics
Business Administration Department 		 	   		  
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