[AISWorld] CfP: Journal of Educational Technology & Society

Kursat Cagiltay kursat at metu.edu.tr
Tue Oct 7 04:40:40 EDT 2014

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]

Call for Papers

Special Issue on
“Technology support for fostering life-long learning of learners  
with disabilities” in

Journal of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI indexed)
Special issue publication date: January 2016

Full papers due : 15 March 2015
Feedback to authors: 1 July 2015
Revised papers due: 5 September 2015
Special issue publication: January 2016

Technology support for learning and its societal impact have great  
potential to offer a wide range of opportunities and equality for  
learners with disabilities. Technology-enhanced learning environments  
provide opportunities for diffusion of knowledge anywhere and anytime,  
and hence are excellent vehicles for facilitating construction of  
knowledge within the frame of lifelong learning to foster transferable  
skills for all learners, including disabled learners.
Existing research suggests that instructional design and learning  
procedures need to adapt to learners’ characteristics and  
expectations to reach successful learning outcomes. This is  
particularly critical in life-long learning situations where the  
learning process primarily relies on the actions and motivation of the  
learners. Novel approaches are needed to be designed and developed to  
support learners with disabilities in such situations.  
Technology-enhanced learning environments therefore need to cater to  
different types of learner disabilities.
This special issue aims to offer insights into research directions  
related to pedagogy, technology, social impact and other related  
aspects of technology-enhanced learning environments in lifelong  
learning for learners with disabilities. Contributions are invited in,  
but are not limited to, the following topics:
-Technology support for learners with disabilities in social life
-Technology-enhanced learning environments for learners with disabilities
-Social networking tools as learning platform for learners with disabilities
-E-learning strategies as learning and teaching in education of  
learners with disabilities
-Using unobstructed information technology in education of learners  
with disabilities

Interested authors are invited to submit full manuscripts by 15 March  
2015 using EasyChair system at:
The papers should be no more than 7000 words each and should be  
formatted as per the author guidelines available at the ETS website:
Manuscripts should be original, unpublished, and not being considered  
for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to Journal of  
Educational Technology & Society or during the review process.

Guest Editors
Dr. Kursat Cagiltay, Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Dr. Fahriye Altınay, Near East University, Nicosia
Dr. Zehra Altınay, Near East University, Nicosia
Dr. Mohamed Jemni, ALECSO, Tunis

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