[IRIS] Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at Linköping University

Ida Lindgren ida.lindgren at liu.se
Wed Sep 8 02:18:57 EDT 2021

Dear colleagues,
– apologies for cross-posting
The division for information systems and digitalization at Linköping University, Sweden, is expanding its research group. If you are interested in conducting research on digital government in collaboration with scholars, policy makers, and public sector employees, this might be the job for you!
We seek highly motivated scholars who want to be part of a creative and open work-environment and can offer excellent possibilities for well-established theoretical and practice-oriented research, as well as teaching and pedagogic development. Find out more below.

Best regards,
Ida Lindgren
PhD., Associate professor
Information Systems and Digitalization (INDIG)
Department of Management and Engineering (IEI)
Linköping University

Senior Lecturer in Information Systems at Linköping University
We are inviting applications for at least one senior lecturer at the division of Information Systems and Digitalization. Research on public sector digitalization has been our main research area for more than 15 years and we conduct several research projects within this area. We wish to expand our research group and seek highly motivated scholars who want to be part of a creative and open work-environment. We can offer excellent possibilities for well-established theoretical and practice-oriented research, as well as teaching and pedagogic development.

Job description
The primary focus of the position is to conduct research on digitalization primarily in public sector, secondary in private sector or the collaboration between these sectors. We are seeking skilled and committed scholars who can contribute with high-quality scientific research, societal impact and international collaborations. This employment involves teaching on undergraduate and graduate level, research, and administration. The duty to teach includes to create, plan, and perform teaching, examination and to supervise thesis work. It also includes being informed about the development within the research field and in events in the society that may affect the field.

We are looking for new colleagues to complement our team at an academic as well as a personal level, and who fit well with the following qualifications:

  *   Experience in conducting research on digitalization in the public sector
  *   Experience from publishing research in prestigious conferences or academic journals, within the area of employment

  *   Experience in supervising thesis work at an undergraduate level within the area of the employment
  *   Experience and documented skill in teaching in English
We look for applicants with a track record of research with an international impact, previous experience in teaching and student supervision, and a strong commitment to high quality teaching. It is furthermore a merit to have documented skills in teaching courses relevant for the information systems field, and documented experience of working with combinations of qualitative and quantitative research approaches.

Learn more about the position and how to apply
You will find more information, and a link to the online application when you follow the link below. The closing date for the application is the 5th of October 2021. Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered.

URL to the Swedish webpage: https://liu.se/jobba-pa-liu/lediga-jobb?rmpage=job&rmjob=16683&rmlang=SE
URL to the English webpage: https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies?rmpage=job&rmjob=17119&rmlang=UK

For more information about the position, please contact:
Professor Ulf Melin, ulf.melin at liu.se<mailto:ulf.melin at liu.se>
Head of division Johanna Sefyrin, johanna.sefyrin at liu.se<mailto:johanna.sefyrin at liu.se>

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