[IRIS] Extended deadline: The eighth PhD seminar, Designing Human Technologies 8.0

Jesper Simonsen simonsen at ruc.dk
Mon Apr 4 03:53:21 EDT 2022

The  eighth PhD seminar, Designing Human Technologies 8.0, will this year be held in Estonia (location to be determined) June 7-9, 2022, organised by Tallinn University in collaboration with Roskilde University, University of Trento, and IT University of Copenhagen

The application deadline has been extended to next Monday, April 11th.

Use this seminar to meet and network with fellow PhD-students and researchers broadly positioned within the field of designing human technologies and Participatory Design.

Description and call is available online here: https://hci.tlu.ee/dht2022/

We meet to discuss our experiences in relation to doctoral work in the rich and diverse field of designing human technologies. The course is a blend of lectures and discussions in small groups. Invited lectures by senior academic staff present key theories, methodological reflections and novel approaches within the field. Discussions will take place in groups with of five doctoral students and two faculty members, discussing the position papers of the students. Group discussions will dedicate one hour to each position paper. And in addition, the course provides opportunities for networking with other doctoral students and senior faculty in the field of designing human technologies, thereby enriching relations among those who also attended last year’s course and providing an entry point for those who did not.

Designing Human Technologies is a broad (participatory) design-oriented research approach with a central human principle of participation and ethical concerns. Common goals of research activities in this field include being constructive and solution-oriented in close dialogue with citizens and users. Deep analysis of how designs are used and enter the daily life of their users as well as innovative design solutions are the core of this course. The human principle includes involving users and main interest groups in the design and evaluation of the ability of design artefacts to meet the goals. Technology is understood in a broad sense including information and communication technologies, sustainable environmental technologies, energy technologies, and technologies for design in urban, nature, or other spatial settings.

- David Lamas, Tallinn University
- Merja Bauters, Tallinn University
- Jesper Simonsen, Roskilde University
- Mika Yasuoka Jensen, Roskilde University
- Vincenzo D’Andrea, University of Trento
- Helena Karasti, IT University of Copenhagen

Please observe the following important dates and deadlines:
- Application deadline: EXTENDED to April 11, 2022 (link to application form<https://forms.gle/FSNkNW7X8wURAP7Y7>)
- Notification of admission: April 18, 2022
- Position paper submission deadline: May 9, 2022
- The doctoral course takes place from June 7 to 9, 2022 in Estonia

Jesper Simonsen
Professor of Participatory Design
Director of the Information Technology Ph.D. program

Department of People and Technology
Roskilde University, University Street 1, Bldg. 10.1
4000 Roskilde, Denmark

URL: http://jespersimonsen.dk <http://jespersimonsen.dk/>
Cell: +45 20440338
Mail: simonsen at ruc.dk<mailto:simonsen at ruc.dk>
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1864-7158

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